Sample Lecture: Healing Your Past
Week 3, Day 1
Day 1:--Healing your Past.
Day Purpose: to heal the wounds of the past.
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. --Joseph Campbell
I cannot think of a more appropriate quote to start you on your path to healing your past than Joseph Campbell’s, “We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us" In order to heal and create a better life, you have to be willing to let go of all that binds and limits you. We must make space for the new to find us. We all have things that have hurt us in our past and many of them have left a mental scar in our soul.
These past hurts and traumas leave trapped emotions in our bodies which affect our physical, mental, and emotional health. Over time these trapped emotions can lead to disease because, we have unknowingly, blocked our body’s ability to heal.
So today I’d like to invite you to let go of the emotional baggage you’ve been carrying with you. Close your eyes and put your hand over your heart and begin to breathe deeply and slowly out and say, “Today I am grateful to be releasing the emotional charges that enslave me to a past that I cannot change. I let go of all the things that have hurt me because they are no longer serving my greatest and highest good.”
While you see the specific events you could say, “I release you. I am grateful that you came to touch my life even if it was for the simple reason of showing that I can transcend difficult periods of my life. I’m grateful that this event has shown me that I am strong and I am resilient. Thank you for showing me that I can overcome you as today I chose to no longer mentally recall and relive this event —I am free!”
If you recall, we have touched upon the notion that where you place your attention is where your energy goes, so today you are going to change your energy by letting go of the past. You are going to give up the emotional addictions you have to your resentment, to your anger, fear, and your bitterness and instead, you will write a new program into your subconscious with emotions of acceptance and gratitude for the lessons of your past.
Say for example, “I am grateful to be releasing all the attention I’ve been given to this event/experience/person and today I chose to use that energy to create new and more joyful experiences for my life —today I take my power back!”
Deliberately set an intention to surrender the past, the judgment, and preconceived notions you have as to how things needed to be. Resolve to stay open as you move forward and experience the life that is truly meant for you. In baseball, you can’t run to home plate unless you are willing to leave second base, so let go and run. Your future does not have to be rooted in your past experiences; it can be entirely new and different.
As you get ready to complete your FMTG for today, close by expressing your gratitude, you could say something like, I am thankful to the Universe for helping me accept my life and trajectory in full. I have no regrets, I set myself free from the negative thoughts and stories that have held me captive. Today I fly free.
Use your past as a teaching guide, not as a predictor of your future. Is there something you would like to do that you have never done before? Time to do it, don’t you think?
Next steps?
Watch Video 2 as Waleuska explains the process